Thursday, October 30, 2014

Clips, Oct. 2014

Albuquerque Journal
Officer determined to overcome twist of fate
Sept. 20, 2014
After I finally convinced this officer to open up over the course of several interviews, his compelling story about integrity amid misfortune eventually told itself.
Teen trying to straighten out his life dies in shooting
Sept. 18, 2013
This is an example of shoe-leather reporting after the senseless death of a teenage boy in an impoverished Albuquerque neighborhood.
When should ‘lifers’ go free?
June 2, 2013
This long-form story examines the lives of two men sentenced to life in prison about 30 years ago and the process, which some said is arbitrary, that determines who gets released.
Who’s watching you now?
Aug. 25, 2013
An investigation into the Albuquerque Police Department’s practice of maintaining hundreds of thousands of license plates from unassuming drivers. The city overhauled its policy after the Journal’s investigation.
Monday shooting was APD officer’s third
Oct. 31, 2013
This story highlights the issues I extensively reported on regarding Albuquerque police excessive force and the systemic issues within the department that prompted a Department of Justice investigation, public outcry and international scrutiny.